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Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 TIMOTHY 4:12-- Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

We as believers in Jesus Christ have to grow in discipline in our thoughts, our words and also our deeds. Without this it is impossible for us to guide others to do the same.

Initially because of the influence of the world and desires of our flesh we cultivate language of the world which is corrupt,impure, abusive and swearing. When we start our journey with God we need to ask help of the Lord to give up the language of the world and start developing the language of faith, love, purity and encouragement in our life.

In this world because of cultivating the language of the world we may make many enemies but when we start cultivating the language of faith,love,purity and encouragement we make lots of friends.

We have to always try to imitate Jesus when He was on this earth and we should not imitate people around us to grow strong in our spiritual life.

We have to practice daily to live a life of faith, love, purity and encouragement so that we may set example to the believers so that they may see Jesus in us and glorify Him.

To cultivate the life of faith,love,purity and encouragement we have to have strong foundation of the Word of God and also we need to practice daily applying the Word of God in our life.

Date: 26: 11: 2019.

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