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Saturday, November 16, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8- For God did not call us to impurity but in holiness. Therefore whoever rejects this rejects not human authority but God, who also gives his Holy Spirit to you.

God is calling everyone to walk in the path of holiness but the devil will take us for a ride in the path of impurities so that we may not become holy.

Holiness doesn't come automatically because we are in prayers but we have to strive for it by saying No to every thought of impurity coming to us from the devil.

Devil will bring us thoughts of watching impure movies or see impure pictures or read impure books or chat with indecent friends so that we may fall trap for impurities.

Initially because of lack of knowledge and also because of the fruits of Holy Spirit not growing in us, we listen to the devil easily and do either one of the things and by doing this surely lust inside us will increase and reach to the level out of our control and because of this many start with masturbation to relieve themselves and if this continues for long then surely it will end up with fornication or adultery.

Devil is also very clever and he knows the punishment for the sin against the body that is why he traps everyone young and old in impurities, so that they may not grow in holiness after going to church or retreats or prayers for long years.

If we do not put a stop to sins against our body that is the body of Christ and also temple of Holy Spirit then surely we are rejecting God's call which can be very dangerous for us.

Let us put it into practice from today to think, see, read and watch which is going to lead us holiness. We have to understand without holiness we cannot see the Lord.

Date: 16:11:2019.

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