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Friday, November 15, 2019


Word of God clearly says in SIRACH 12:9-- One’s enemies are friendly when one prospers, but in adversity even one’s friend disappears.

We are all having friends and best friends in our life. When everything is going on well in our life friends,best friends and friends of our friends will be coming close to us not because they love us but they want to get benefited from us either because we are rich or we are successful. 

We may have hidden enemies also along with our friends who try to become close to us but because of lack of alertness we fail to recognize them. All these people will be in our life only till everything is going well.

Once something happens and there is loss of job or loss in business and when we climb down from the ladder of success then first our enemies start moving out of our life and start conspiring against us and then  friends of friends, friends and also best friends will also move out of our life.

Many of them who were calling us daily will never bother to call us and also never bother to attend our call.

Only one we can trust and depend in the time of our adversity is JESUS. He is the only one who will be by our side in every situation and help us to overcome it.

We need learn our lessons and be close to Jesus only and make Him our best friend so that we may not face similar situation like before in the future.

We have to love everyone around us as they are as the Lord has commanded us but let us not trust anyone easily and get deceived.

Date: 15:11:2019.

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