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Saturday, November 9, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 John 3:18-- Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. 

We all think by saying good morning, good night, love you,God bless you, Praise the Lord, I pray for you and many other words we use for one another we think we love them. But the truth is all this displays our affection towards that person and not love.

Affection towards other people changes according to the situation and also according to the relationship we have with them. If we are happy with them we use all sweet words and if we are unhappy with them we use all bitter words.

If we are filled by Divine love then surely our love towards others doesn't change according to the situation or according to the relationship we have with them but it will remain the same at all times.

When we are hurt or persecuted or falsely accused or deceived or ignored by someone and we pray for them we display our love towards them.

God's love will increase in our life when we practice doing this repeatedly and because of that one fine day we will reach to the stage where we cannot be hurt by anyone so easily.

Many of us show fake affection to please others but few of us show true love to obey God. Fake affection will be exposed by God at one or the other day in our life,so let us not be fake but always be genuine.

Date: 09:11:2019.

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