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Sunday, December 1, 2019


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 2:18- Because He Himself was tested by what He suffered, He is able to help those who are being tested.

We are all going through trials or persecution or sufferings, some have gone through this in the past , some are going through it now and some who think they are saved from all this also will go through the same in the future.

Trials or persecution or sufferings comes in our life to make us strong and fearless. Initially when we are unable to handle it we have to seek help of Jesus who has gone through more trials or persecution or sufferings than us.

Jesus is the only one who is going to stand by us when we are going through trials or persecution or sufferings and guide us till we overcome it and all the close ones or near ones or dear ones we know will flee from us leaving us stranded.

We have to understand that in midst of trials or persecution or sufferings we are also going through test of our faithfulness towards God and His Word. Jesus also went through severe tests than us and was obedient to God the Father till His death on the cross, that is why Jesus is the only one who can guide us.

If we seek help of people in time of trials or persecution or sufferings every person will tell different things according to their personal experience which will not take us closer to solution but will bring upon us more problems.

Before opening our mouth to anyone we have to be very careful and also we have to check whether they are having wisdom of God, fear of God, Faith and encouragement. If these things are not present in them they cannot guide us.

Every trials or persecution or sufferings happening in our life has a purpose and that purpose we may not know today but when we trust in Jesus and move forward God will unfold the purpose which will not bring us any harm but it will lead us to life full of hope.

Date: 01- 12- 2019.

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