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Monday, December 16, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MATTHEW 12:33-- “Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.

In today's world most of the people know people by their gifts and not fruits. When we know and believe others by the gifts they possess we might get deceived.

We have to understand the difference between gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Gifts are given by God to a person when he repents and that person can every day use the gifts for building others thus can become very powerful in few years but there can be possibility that the same person may not be growing in fruits of the Holy Spirit in the same way he has grown in gifts.

God gives gifts freely to every one who repents that doesn't mean we can live however we want and speak whatever we want. God is clearly giving us instruction that we have know people by fruits only because fruits are not going to come in our life as easy as gifts and we have to work and cultivate it in our life.

If we are bearing fruits of the Holy Spirit then surely everyone will come to know. We have to cultivate fruits of the Holy Spirit in our life as these fruits will make us unique.

By living in flesh we cannot cultivate fruits of the Holy Spirit and by living in Spirit we cannot cultivate fruits of the Spirit. When we are growing in prayer we need to get rid of all the fruits of the flesh we have with help of God or else we will be unable to cultivate the Fruits of Holy Spirit and become good tree bearing good fruit.

Date: 16:12: 2019.

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