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Saturday, December 28, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 28:13- No one who conceals transgressions will prosper, but one who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

According to the Word of God anyone who hides his sin will never prosper either spiritually or physically. Most of us think that we can commit sins keep it hiding. We may be successful sometimes hiding from people but we cannot hide from God.

In book of SIRACH 23:19 it clearly says God's eyes are 10000 times brighter than the sun and He looks upon every behavior of ours as well as He will search the depths of our heart.

When we cannot hide our sin from God it is better to go for confession and confess it to the priest and also we have to make a plan to give up sin.

If we do not give up sins it clearly shows that we are not ready to listen to God because of our hard heartedness. If we are hard hearted we are going to fall into calamities.

God is more interested to save our soul than doing any other things in our life. But we ask Lord big list of things but God asks from us only one thing that is CONVERSION OF OUR SOUL.

Most of our brothers and sisters accept that they are weak when God has made them strong and because of accepting they are weak they do not even try to give up sin and make sin friend of their life.

Let us try our level best to avoid occasion of falling into sin and after trying if we fall also let us not stay there for long but we need to rise up quickly and keep on trying to give up sin till we succeed.

Date: 28: 12: 2019.

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