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Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Word of God clearly says in TITUS 1:15- To the pure all things are pure, but to the corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure. Their very minds and consciences are corrupted. 

We are all in prayers from few days or months or years. No matter how long we are in prayers we have to check our life and see whether we have grown in purity.

The only purpose of our spiritual life is to start our journey from corruption but the destination will be purity. Most of us do not give importance to purity because we think it's not important. But the reality is without growing in purity we cannot attain maturity of faith.

Most of us act as holy only inside the church to show others but when we come outside the church our words and actions doesn't match our act of holiness inside the church.

Purity in our thoughts, purity in our words and purity in our deeds are very important to display to others the presence of Jesus in us.

Many of us after being in prayers for long have forgotten to give up corruption. Many of us show fake purity by displaying God's picture on media just to attract people towards them but in reality if we say a small thing which is hurting them all the corruption will overflow from their words.

Many of us after being in prayers our minds dwell in corruption only because our intentions of coming for prayers is not to grow in the knowledge of God and purity but because of our selfish benefits.

Let us fix it in our heart that every corrupt conversation we do with others which will not benefit them spiritually will all be counted as careless words. Let us be alert and choose our words wisely when we speak to others.

Date: 04: 12: 2019.

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