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Thursday, December 5, 2019


Word of God clearly says in SIRACH 15:17: Before each person are life and death, and whichever one chooses will be given.

In today's world we see a divided family and because of this divided family devil enjoys his hold on these type of family.

If father is in prayers, mother will not be in prayers. If father and mother are in prayers the children are not in prayers. For all this the main reason is our choice. Whoever chooses life will be in the path of prayers and whoever chooses death will be in the path of sin.

When God created us He has given us freewill to choose whatever we want and whatever we choose will be given unto us.

In today's world most of them choose life of sin or path of death because there is pleasures in sin and also sweet lies of the devil which is showing us wrong picture of our final destination and hiding from us final destination that is hell.

On the other hand only few of us choose path of life and prayers so that slowly we are getting converted a little and walking towards our final destination that is heaven.

Choice is ours to choose whatever we want and wherever we are planning to go. If we choose death we journeying towards hell and if we choose life we are journeying towards heaven.

Date: 05:12: 2019.

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