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Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1CORINTHIANS 15:55 - “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”

Death is the only thing no person can avoid or delay or escape.

Death comes to infant or child or youth or old without asking as a thief. Death comes to rich and the poor ,Death comes to sick as well as healthy.

The question we Have to ask ourselves is whether we are prepared for it. We have to understand that death will not come to us when we want but it comes to us suddenly.

Many of us are so busy in the world one day suddenly death will surprise them. Whatever Position or fame or power they have will not benefit them on the day of their death, they have to leave everything behind and go to the grave.

Let us understand that we have brought nothing when we came into this world and we are going to take nothing with us when we die. Whatever good we do in this world will be remembered by others even after our death.

Let us live everyday thinking that today is the last day for us on this earth and if we get up next day let us thank God for giving us one more day.

Date: 31:12: 2019.

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