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Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Word of God clearly says in JAMES 1:22- But be doers of the word, and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.

We all go to Holy mass, retreats,prayer meetings. Wherever we go we have to examine and see whether we are listening to the word of God attentively and also marking the important verse in the bible.

Only listening will not help us but we have to apply the Word of God in our life. When we apply the Word of God in our life and get results we Will grow in confidence with the Word of God and will learn to obey no matter how hard the situation is.

Most of the people go to Holy mass or retreats or prayer meetings only to listen to the word of God and not to obey and because of this many will attend for few months or few years and when nothing happens in their life they get ready to quit.

We have to learn everyday to obey the word of God so that God will show us His faithfulness towards His Word.

We have to understand that obeying every word of God will make every impossible situation easy to overcome, in the same way disobedience towards word of God will make every easy situation difficult and impossible to overcome.

It is better to obey the word of God and experience supernatural miracles in our life instead of only listening to the word of God and get deceived.

Date: 10:12: 2019.

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