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Friday, December 13, 2019


Word of God clearly says in ECCLESIASTICAS 3:14- I know that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it; God has done this, so that all should stand in awe before him.

When we are living in this world and when we do everything without God and only by using our talent may not last forever but whatever God does in our life will last forever.

In today's world we may get money,power and fame which will not last for long but whatever God does for us in our life like our spiritual conversion, our Faith, our courage, our patience will last forever only when we truly follow Him.

No powers can destroy what the Lord has done in our life because God's protection will be around us all the time. 

Maybe today we are going through sufferings of different kinds in this world but at the end of our life on earth and at beginning of our afterlife we will enjoy in heaven.

When we see the glimpse of heaven we feel that whatever we go through in this world is nothing comparing to the beauty and peace in heaven.

Every person living on this earth longs to go to heaven but every person do not want to suffer.

Cross is the only way we have to go to our final destination that is heaven. Whatever God is allowing or doing in our life may look like painful but the same pain will make our relationship with God stronger day by day.

God knows what He is doing in our life but most of us who are lacking wisdom of God will not know. Let us co-operate with God and allow Him to do necessary changes in our life which will take us to our final destination and when we  reach our final destination we will be surprised to see what the Lord has prepared for us.


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