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Saturday, December 21, 2019


“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”- SAINT MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA.

In today's generation people come to prayer only to satisfy their Selfish benefits. This we can find out very easily by counting people coming for weekly adoration and weekly novenas.
People who come for weekly novenas are more than those who come for adoration.

This clearly proves that we are asking more and listening less. When we are asking Lord something and when Lord provides we become greedy for more.

In today's world we find preaching on money and health in most of the ministry and that is the only thing people want to hear. They are ready to give up moral values to be rich or healthy.

When we pray it is like telling God every day " I SURRENDER MYSELF TO YOU, DO WITH MY LIFE AS PER YOUR WILL". When we offer ourselves to God in prayer He will do everything according to His Purpose and plan but only thing we have to have is Trust in Him.

When we are growing in prayer we have to be in silence for few minutes in a day and listen to the voice of God. When we listen to the voice of God we have to obey immediately without questioning or reasoning to hear more from Him.

As we listen to His voice and obey we will grow in courage and confidence in Him and no matter what situation we face in our life we will have no fear because God is with us all the time.

Let us learn to depend on God and learn from Him the whole truth which will be of great help in our spiritual journey.

Date: 21:12: 2019.

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