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Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Through neglect we may quickly lose that which by God's Grace we have acquired only through long, hard labor-- IMITATION OF CHRIST.

Many of us have come to the Lord after getting completely destroyed, some of us come to the Lord after getting partially destroyed but in both the cases when we repent and grow in faith surely we are going to be blessed by the Lord spiritually through His gifts and materially through riches.

Both blessings are given to us for keeping our faith in His Divine providence. When we are blessed by the Lord beyond measure, many of us who were faithful to the Lord turn into unfaithful because of forgetfulness.

When we are in the journey of forgetfulness we will not be aware of traps set for us by the enemy. When we because of our negligence fall into the trap the enemy has set then surely enemy will steal all the material riches we have received from God and the power of gifts of God decreases in our life and because of this gifts which were working powerfully before will become ineffective in our life.

We should take care and be alert every moment after we are blessed by the Lord so that our blessing may last till the end of our life and also enough for our future generations.

When we were living in poverty and being blessed by the Lord with riches as a reward for our faith, most of us instead of leading simple lifestyle and being a blessing in others life, we start switching on from simple lifestyle to rich lifestyle to show others that we are rich.

We have been given everything we have because of our commitment and also reward for having Faith in God but whatever we have fallen short God through His Grace made us qualified to receive His blessing. Without God's Grace we would have got nothing because always we would have fallen short to receive a blessing of God.

We should not forget the sleepless nights, tears, prayers, fasting, sacrifice we did and persecution, blaming, false accusation we faced when we were in difficulties, so that our alertness will grow strong so that we may not lose Spiritual blessings or material riches we have received from God.

We have choice either with alertness and obedience to the Word of God we can keep the blessings till the end of our life or loose it through our negligence and forgetfulness.

Date: 03:12: 2019.

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