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Monday, December 9, 2019


Word of God clearly says in JOB 3:25- Truly the thing that I fear comes upon me, and what I dread befalls me.

We are all living in the world full of miseries and the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are living with courage or fear in midst of all miseries.

If we are living with faith and courage then surely we will be having strength to overcome it. If we are living with fear and unbelief then surely whatever we fear and dread in our life will befall on us.

For example if doctor gives us report that we are having some disease if we are living with fear then within no time we will speak about our sickness with others personally and also share it in social media. If we are living with faith then surely we will speak the Word of God with confidence till we overcome it.

When we live with fear we take so many wrong decisions and also fall into different addictions. Many of us because of fear are walking in wrong path by listening to the devil who is is the main supplier of fear.

Fear is nothing but expecting wrong things to happen when it is not destined by God in our life. What we fear we confess and what we confess will come as a harvest in our life.

Whatever problems we are going through today we are responsible for it because we have accepted the suggestions of the devil and confessed the same from our mouth again and again till it came to pass in our life.

We have to understand that Faith destroys fear completely and fear destroys faith completely. 

Date: 09:12:2019.

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