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Friday, December 27, 2019


Word of God clearly says in AMOS 3:7- Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.

God has created each and every one of us for a purpose according to the plan He has for us. 

Problem with us is we forget about God and start chasing our dreams and desire. By chasing our dreams and desire we will not be satisfied with what we want and always fall short of it.

We are called priest, king and prophet when we are baptised but the question we need to ask ourself is whether we are behaving like priest, king and prophet. 

Priest resembles holiness. King resembles wisdom and prophet resembles servant of God. 

God always speaks to us directly if we are His servants or He will speak through His servants to us about the things He is going to do in our life.

God sometimes speak to our heart and give us instruction to change if we are occupied with other things then surely He will make a way to meet His Prophet so that to tell us everything God wanted to tell us directly.

God is always good and merciful that doesn't give us license to do anything we want and take His goodness and mercy for granted. 

Let us grow everyday in the Word of God and become servants of God instead of growing in desires of the world and pleasures of the flesh and become slaves of the devil.

Date: 27:12:2019.

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