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Sunday, December 8, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 11:13- A gossip goes about telling secrets, but one who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a confidence.

Gossiping is one of the biggest problem we see in today's world. We can find more gossipers inside the church than outside.

Gossiping people do not understand that it is as good as committing murder. A murderer kills a body but a gossiper kills the character of a person.

Gossiping people do not know that everything they gossip will be counted as careless words. Gossipers think that they can gossip about anyone and get away with it through sacrament of confession.

The truth is every gossiper will have to first stop gossiping and secondly they have to do reperation by speaking good about all those they have spoken badly or lies or by listening to others.

Gossiping people may start gossiping with 1person and he may stop there but that person will speak to his known people and it will spread everywhere within few days.

We can start gossiping but we can't end it. It is better not to reveal the secrets others have told us in confidence with our known people. Let us make a decision that every secret we know about a person which other people do not know let us keep it secret and never open our mouth and reveal it to others and cause damage to the respect and dignity of that person.

Every person common, religious, priests, nuns and even pope can make mistakes because they are human beings and not God. When we see their mistakes instead of gossiping about it with others let us pray for them.

Date: 08:12: 2019.

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