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Monday, December 30, 2019


Those who are with us today may be against us tomorrow, and vice versa, for men change with the wind. Place all your trust in God; let Him be your fear and your love. He will answer for you; He will do what is best for you.-- IMITATION OF CHRIST.

In today's world if we believe people by looking at their outward appearance we will be decieved. People who act like lamb today to reap benefits from us can become ferocious wolf when they turn against us tomorrow.

When we believe God more than people our life will be filled with joy, peace and love in the same way if we believe people more than God then initially everything looks very pleasant but later our life will be full of emptiness and brokenness.

Let us be alert with people who want to know about our personal information so that we may not share with them everything about our life and create a topic of gossip for them.

People who are for us today only because they want something from us and once they get whatever they want from us then it will not take much time for them to turn against us and also spoil our name in the community.

Many a times we get deceived by making friends very fast because of meeting inside the church and within no time we share our secrets with them thinking they are going to be of help for us but the truth is more we share our information more they want know about us. 
Everyone who is coming to church must pray and mind their own business instead of minding other people's business and trying to get into others people's affairs.

Let us not believe people by looking at their innocent face or their innocent talks or their fake outwardly appearance but let us believe them by the fruits of the Holy Spirit they are possessing.

God is the only one who will be with us in our good times as well as our bad times. Let us share our secrets only with God and not with all people but only those who are having fear of the Lord, having Wisdom of God and having fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Date: 30: 12: 2019.

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