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Saturday, December 7, 2019


There is therefore something which is the cause of the being of all the things that are, as well as of their goodness and their every perfection. THIS WE CALL GOD-- Nature & Grace by St. Augustine.

We are all going through our spiritual journey in different levels. Initially when we start our journey we have several questions regarding God and His existence. It is normal to get all the questions but it is very important to search the answers in the Bible, Catechism of Catholic church and books written by saints or else questions will stay inside us for rest of our life.

We have to understand that we cannot know God in a day or in a month or even in a year. We can understand God and sovereignty by looking at the creation such as Sun, moon,stars,water,plants,animals,birds. When we understand that God has total control over everything He created we can understand how powerful God is.

By looking at Sun rising in the morning and setting in the evening, moon and stars shining in the night we can understand the Wisdom, power and perfection of God.

When we are going through any crisis in our life, God is more interested to set us free from our crisis. When God saves us we will know Him only a little. We have to ask God His wisdom, more we receive wisdom of God more clearly we can see God and His saving power in our life.

Today's generation wants to know through His miracles but the truth is God can be known through the knowledge and also through suffering.

We have to understand that everything we see in this world is controlled by the unseen that is GOD.

When we see in us every goodness and perfection we have to understand that it is not there in our life as a result of our toil but because of the work of God in our life.

God is supreme and there is no other power which is equal or higher than God. All other power including devil is under God.

GOD is all powerful and at the same time He is Gentle and kind. God may reveal Himself to us either in the beginning of our journey or when we reach to the middle of our journey or when we reach to the end of our journey on this earth. Let's be patient and move forward with faith and hope of meeting Him.

Date:07-12- 2019.

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