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Sunday, December 22, 2019


Word of God clearly says in ISAIAH 55:9- For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

When everything is going according to our plan we will be happy and when everything is going against our plan we get worried, fearful,confused and anxious.

The main reason for our worry, fear, confusion and anxiety is because of not believing in God in every circumstances.

 When we have easy situation it is easy to believe God and when situation becomes harder it will be difficult to believe God for only for those who do not know Word of God thoroughly.

God has clearly said in His Word that His thoughts, plan and purpose for our life is higher than our thoughts, plan and purpose. Our plans is like a swimming pool but God's plan for us is like sea.

We have to understand when our plan fails 
,God is blessing us with something greater which we can never think or imagine.

We have to give up small plans for our life and accept God's plan for which we may have to wait patiently but surely His plan will be implemented in our life one fine day.

Date: 22:12:2019.

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