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Thursday, December 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PHILIPPIANS 4:7- the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Peace of God in our lives will give us victory over difficult and also impossible situations.

 Peace of God cannot be cultivated in our life when we are living with fear, Worry, confusion. Peace of God can be cultivated in our life when we are having faith, confidence and patience.

To obtain peace of God we first have make peace with God that is we have to go for regular confession and secondly we have to make peace with all our brothers and sisters. Without doing both we cannot live in peace.

Jesus has promised us peace which the world cannot give but most of us when we are disturbed instead of going to Jesus we run to alcohol, sex, parties, movies, beach and other entertainment to find peace but the truth is all this will give us peace for that moment but the situation which has disturbed our peace stands the same.

We cannot avoid problems or run away from problems but we have to speak to the problem and overcome it.

People who are having confidence in the world will lose peace easily when small situation goes wrong but people who are having confidence in the Word of God will remain in peace in midst of every situation small, big and also impossible.

Peace is a fruit of Holy Spirit we have to cultivate in our life by fighting every battle courageously, initially we may lose some battle to the devil but if we Do not quit and move forward with the Word of God surely we will learn to win the battle.

Winning the battle will boost our confidence in the Word of God, our confidence in the Word of God will help us to live with peace of God and by  living with peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard our heart and mind in Jesus Christ.

Date: 26:12: 2019.

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