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Friday, December 6, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 PETER 4:13- But rejoice insofar as you are sharing Christ’s sufferings, so that you may also be glad and shout for joy when His glory is revealed. 

Suffering is allowed by God in our life for our purification from sins and to make us holy.

 Through suffering we experience all the pains in it and when we bear it joyfully then surely we can help others who are going through the same.

We have to speak with confidence the Word of God in midst of our suffering so that we may be courageous,patient and strong otherwise we may fall trap to the lies of the devil and live with worry,fear and rebellion.

We need to examine our life and see whether we are rejoicing in the midst of any kinds of suffering we are going through or are we gloomy and complaining about our suffering with others.

If we rejoice in our sufferings then surely we will receive the strength from God to bear all the pains in the suffering. God has created human beings in such a way that they can bear pain more than pleasures.

Most of us come to the church or novenas or retreats or prayer meetings thinking that we are to receive only good things from the Lord and when these people go through suffering immediately they become sorrowful, sad and gloomy and because of this the pain in the suffering will increase because of not receiving the strength from God. Many have committed suicide and many are sick and many are dead because of their non co operation with God.

God doesn't allow any suffering in our life without connecting it to His great purpose. Most of us do not reach to the purpose of God because of sorrow. Suffering always moulds us to become better in the future.

Word of God is the only strength we have to go through our suffering rejoicing, praising and Thanking God for it.

Suffering will end one day and God's glory will be revealed. When God's glory will be revealed in our life we will know whatever suffering we have gone through is very less compared with the glory of God.

Let us go through suffering rejoicing with Word of God in our mouth and not sorrow and complaining.

Date: 06:12: 2019.

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