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Monday, December 23, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MATTHEW 6:33- But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Jesus clearly says that we have to strive hard for His Kingdom and His Righteousness, but most of us busy in this world either accumulating wealth or praying for lost wealth and health.

Kingdom of God stands on one word that is LOVE. To know the meaning of LOVE we have to study the Word of God because in the world everyone thinks greeting each other is love but according to the Word of God greeting each other is not love but affection. Word of God is very essential to be in the kingdom of God daily.

Kingdom of God will not come to us automatically because we are going to church but it is our work to find it by digging into the Word of God. When we find the kingdom of God only it is possible for us to grow in righteousness of God.

If we have to be in kingdom of God we have to firstly repent for our sins and secondly we have to work hard towards studying and obeying the Word of God.

Righteousness is nothing but doing right according to the Word of God and stop doing everything according to the world and according to the desires of our flesh. If we do not know the Word of God thoroughly then surely we will not know right and wrong.

When we work hard everyday for kingdom of God and also for righteousness of God then surely whatever we need will be provided to us by God.

When we are with God everyday we will lack nothing in our life. God is with us always no matter how we live but we have to try our best to be with God everyday.

God is faithful to His Word but we have to remain faithful to the Lord and His Word under every circumstances.

Date: 23:12: 2019.

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