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Sunday, December 15, 2019


Word of God clearly says in BARUCH 3:2- Hear, O Lord, and have mercy, for we have sinned before you. 

We all who are living in the world are sinners and we need 3 things from the Lord to change ourself from sinners to Holy.

Firstly we require forgiveness for all the sins we have committed from childhood till now. We have to understand that forgiveness is given to us only when we meet the condition put by the Lord in His Word. (read Matthew 6:12) . Only when we forgive others for whatever big or small they have done in our life we will be surely forgiven by God when we go for confession.

Secondly we need mercy and love of God to repent from all our sins. Repentance cannot be done for a certain period of time and then we can stop it by thinking that we have completed it but it is a life long process to keep us alert and create awareness inside us against every sin big or small.

Thirdly we need Grace from the Lord to live a Holy life. Only when we repent we will be able to live a Holy life which attracts God towards us. When we walk in the path of holiness there are lots of sacrifice involved especially the things that are unclean. Everyone who walks in the path of holiness will be leading a life of simplicity.

Without receiving these three things from the Lord no matter where we go or whom we meet still we will live as sinners till the end of our life.

Date: 15:12: 2019.

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