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Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Word of God clearly says in ROMANS 14:8- If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. 

In today's world the most important question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are living to fulfill our selfish desires or are we living everyday for the Lord.

If we are living for ourself slowly we are going to go astray and by going astray we will be walking in the path of destruction happily till we come to the fearful end that is hell.

If we are living for the Lord then we have to seek everything which belongs to the Lord. Our first priority should be Lord no matter what is coming in between.

 Without having faith and also learning the word of God daily we can be with the Lord for certain period of time but surely not till the end.

Many of our preachers are telling that ONCE WE ARE SAVED WE ARE ALWAYS SAVED.
This is one of the greatest lies which has taken many of them to journey to hell.

We are going to be saved by the Lord one or the other point in our life but we have live a disciplined life to move forward with faith and courage and also we have to develop the mind of Jesus of doing good to others.

If we deviate from our life of faith then surely we will be growing in life of sin. When we are in life of sin we think about ourself more than God.

This words Jesus spoke to saint Paul who was preaching the Gospel and He never spoke the same with others who were not in fellowship with Him. Jesus could have spoken the same words to Herod or High priest but He did not. Just do not live a loose life by thinking His Grace is enough. If His Grace was enough when we  live however we want then what is the reason behind many souls which are going to hell

Are we ready to give our life to Jesus and live for HIM when we live on this earth so that when we die we may be with HIM forever.

Date: 17:12:2019.

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