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Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 29:17- Discipline your children, and they will give you rest; they will give delight to your heart.

In today's generation we can see very few children growing in prayer and most of them grow worldly.

Most of the children are growing worldly because of  irresponsible attitude of their parents.
Parents try to discipline them in worldly way and because of this many children disrespect their parents when they become teens.

Parents are responsible for the downfall of their children because of not teaching them prayer and disciplining them according to the Word of God.

When the child is born if parents are not in prayers from where the child will learn prayers and also if parents are not speaking well then from where the child will learn to speak well.

 Most of the parents 
Fight, speak bad words and abuse physically in front of their children and children who are innocent pick every word from parents and also start growing in violence.

Parents do not discipline their children in Godly way, so that when they grow up they may give them rest. But the truth is because of indiscipline in the children many parents are restless and in severe pain in their old age.

Let us make a commitment from today to speak good words and also pray so that children may follow our example and grow in prayer and also discipline.

When our children live a disciplined life it is delightful for every parents to see them and thank God for His blessings on them.

Date: 11: 12: 2019.

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