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Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MATTHEW 1:23- Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” 

As we are celebrating CHRISTMAS today ,We are welcoming Jesus to be born in our heart. In most of the families Christmas is only a feast of wishing each other, drinking, food, parties etc and most of us miss the essence of CHRISTMAS that is CHRIST is the center of our celebration.

Without Christ as center there is no Christmas. Many of our brothers and sisters go to that extent and remove Christ from Christmas and send XMAS greetings to one another.

Today EMMANUEL is born in our heart that is GOD IS WITH US. When God is with us we will be living a life of abundance.

Jesus is the only reason for our celebration. Let us celebrate CHRISTMAS with prayer and keeping in mind that Without Christ there is no Christmas.

On Christmas day Jesus came into this world to save us from the slavery of sin and curse. When we celebrate Christmas let us also become blessing in someone's life so that they may also celebrate Christmas.

Date: 25:12:2019.

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