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Thursday, December 19, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 2 THESSALONIANS 3:5- May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.

We are all in prayers but the question we need to ask ourselves is who is directing our heart.

If our heart is directed by our soul then definitely our life will be full of mess and also to fulfill it we will go to the extent of destroying others life.

Everyone thinks it's okay to live according to the world but starting point of living according to the world may look good from the outside but the end point is dreadful. When we live according to the world our conscience will be corrupt and because of this we are able to do bad to others even after going to church regularly.

If our heart is directed by God then surely we will be lead towards HIS Love and also to stand firm in every situation like Jesus when on earth.

When we are filled with the love of God every day one fine day we will be having perfect love of God in our heart. When we have perfect love of God in our life we will be having no fear. 

When we stand firm on the Word of God in every situation no matter how big is our situation it has to move from our life and once this happens then our confidence in the Word of God will grow.

Let us give our heart completely to God so that He may plant everything which is of His kingdom and uproot everything which is of enemy's kingdom.

Date:19:12: 2019.

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