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Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Word of God clearly says in JOHN 8:12- Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” 

Jesus is the light of the world. In this world which is full of corruption and evil deeds.

We have to read the Word of God daily and memorize Important scriptures so that we may know what is right and wrong according to the Word of God.

When we follow Jesus and His Word with all our heart then surely every influence of darkness will disappear from our life.

Jesus is the Word of God and Word of God is the light to our feet. Word of God slowly slowly will remove us from life of sin and place us in the life of Grace and light of Jesus will shine upon us and through us to others so all darkness in our life as well as others life will be overcome by the great light.

Once we have experienced the life of light then surely we will not go back to the life of darkness we have lived before meeting Jesus.

Jesus is our true light and with Jesus we can overcome every sin, every bad habit and also change our words and deeds.

After following Jesus If our words are not changed then surely we should know that we have not followed Him with all our heart but our heart is divided.

Without following Jesus from all our heart it is next to impossible to experience conversion of our soul and without conversion of our soul it is impossible to get out of all the influences of darkness.

Date: 01: 01: 2020.

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