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Saturday, January 11, 2020


Word of God clearly says in SIRACH 34:7-- For dreams have deceived many, and those who put their hope in them have perished.

Most of us are going through one or the other problems in life and when we are in the midst of problems  Most of us get dreams about solutions and because of this we may become happy for a moment but as the days goes on we get deceived, angry and worried.

It is better to believe in the Word of God and experience God's miracle instead of believing in every dream we get and be deceived.

Many of us believe in every dreams and try to live according to their dreams and get destroyed. If we believe in all the dreams we get and if we don't have foundation of the Word of God then surely disappointment and frustration will enter in our life.

Most of the dreams come from human spirit and evil spirit and only few will come from the most high. We have to have virtue of prudence otherwise it is next to impossible to identify from which source the dream has originated.

If we pursue dreams coming to us from human spirit or evil spirit then surely we will deceived and also if we pursue it then surely we will perish without the dream being accomplished in our life.

Let us not believe in every dreams we get unless that dream will connect us to God's purpose.

Date: 11: 01: 2020.

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