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Sunday, January 26, 2020


“Love God, serve God; everything is in that.”
-St. Clare of Assisi.

We are all very busy in this world working for our daily life and most of them think we are created only to work, eat, drink and enjoy. When we are in this habit then surely we will be walking towards destruction and at the end of our life if we analyze whatever we did all our life, it clearly shows us that we were chasing vanity.

When we were infant and were baptized we have become missionaries of God. we were created by God to know Him , to love Him and to serve Him.

Knowing, loving and serving goes step by step in our life. 

Firstly we have to know Him and without reading the Word of God it is not possible to know God. As we commit ourselves to read Word of God everyday after few years we will come to know God little by little. No matter how much we try  to know Him completely whatever God reveals to us is only what we can know about Him.

Secondly to love Him, without knowing someone in person it is next to impossible to love. More we know God more we will love Him. Loving Him doesn't mean doing ministry work or singing songs or reading or volunteering or becoming lay ministers in the church. Loving the Lord means obeying His commandments no matter how difficult it is.

Without obeying God it is not possible to serve Him. Serving Him means proclaiming His Word and converting souls. Today's preacher's  some are preaching people about things they want to hear and not what God wants to say through them that is why we see people getting healed or getting job or getting rich or getting famous but we see very few who have experienced conversion of soul. 

When we serve God most important thing we have to follow is to be bold to speak the truth no matter how many people turn against us. 

It is better to speak truth to the people and make them angry or sad or hurt  and save their souls instead of speaking flattering words and make them happy and lead them on the way of destruction.

Date: 26: 01: 2020.

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