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Friday, January 31, 2020


Occupy your minds with good thoughts, or the enemy will fill them with bad ones. Unoccupied, they cannot be-- SAINT THOMAS MOORE.

In today's world because of the influence of media most of the people occupy their minds with bad thoughts about greed, lust, violence, revenge, fear, worry and many other things which is contrary to the Word of God.

When we fill our minds with all this wrong thoughts surely we will be partnering with the devil and walking in the path of destruction. Wrong thoughts will also connect us to wrong people and wrong places which will become hard to overcome if we live with it for long.

When we occupy our mind with good thoughts about God, His love, His sacrifice, His Death for us, His resurrection which is according to the Word of God then surely we will be walking in way of life. Without reading the Holy Bible, without receiving sacraments frequently, without memorizing the Word of God we will not be successful in filling our minds with good and pure thoughts.

Our life is controlled by our thoughts. If our thoughts are good, our words will be good and also our deeds will be good. If our thoughts are bad, our words will be bad and also our deeds will be bad.

We after being bad can act as good but only for a short time and our reality will be exposed when we are facing adverse situation or when someone persecute us or speak badly about us.

Date: 31: 01: 2020.

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