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Sunday, January 5, 2020


Word of God clearly says in ZEPHANIAH 3:17- The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love;

God is always there with us no matter how we live. If we live sinful life also God is very close to us and waiting for us patiently every day to return to Him.

When we are living sinful life He does so many miracles to draw us close to Him but we instead of thanking Him for the miracle most of us take credit to ourself and others think it's co-incidence and move forward.

We have to understand that it is the Lord who is giving us victory over evil, saving our life from dangers, loving us, it is only Lord doing everything for us to gain our attention towards Him but we fail to notice it because we are occupied with the affairs of the world. 

We have to understand that it is because of God's love we have connected to God through His anointed servant and because of this connection our life's direction has changed from hell towards heaven.

If we have experienced conversion of our soul then surely we have to understand that we are renewed by God's love.

God's victory can be seen in our life when we are overcoming sin or bad habits or addictions or sickness. God knows very clearly when to set us free we have to have patience and wait for Him.

Waiting will not break us instead it will build us. Most of us get irritated when solution gets delayed. God delays solution to our problem because He wants to give us the best. 

Let us wait for the Lord with Word of God in our mouth so that we will surely experience victory which will last life long.

Date: 05: 01: 2020.

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