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Friday, January 10, 2020


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 9:14- how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to worship the living God!

We all are going to different forms of prayer and after going for years we do not understand the value of Precious blood of Jesus Christ. 

Most of by choosing to live a sinful life we make a mockery of Jesus Great sacrifice. It is because Jesus shed His blood for our sins we are alive after committing sin everyday. 

Word of God says that wages of sin is death but truth is all the wages of our sin was carried by Jesus Christ on the cross and because of His death on the cross we are alive after committing sin after sin.

If today if we are in prayer or our life is changed all credit goes to God for showering upon us His Grace and Mercy.

Only when we are washed by His precious blood our dead works because of our corrupt conscience will stop and our conscience which was corrupted because of worldly influence will be purified and only then we will be able to worship God with all our heart.

God knows every single information of our life. God knows everything happening in our life better than us that is why we struggle sometimes to get out of our problems despite praying daily because God knows there is something dangerous we have to overcome before we are blessed.

When our mind and heart is cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus then we will be able to live a Holy and righteous life pleasing to God.

Date: 10: 01: 2020.

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