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Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent-- SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS.

We are all in prayer and when good things happens to us we will be praising God and reciting prayer and as we move forward in our journey in the same way when bad things happen in our life we grumble, get upset, get angry only because we are full of ourself and God is having very small place in our life. When bad things happen and we are calm, rejoicing and praising God it clearly displays our strength of prayer and our total dependency on God.

Jesus also without doing anything wrong went through lots of suffering but He was silent throughout His suffering. 

When we are going through suffering or persecution or experiencing bad things or unjust suffering we have to examine ourself and see whether we are joyful and calm or we will be gloomy and sad. 

Whenever something bad or something unjust or something displeasing happens to us we have to always remember that  Jesus has gone through everything we are going through to the fullest still He was obedient till the end.

We also have to be obedient to God till the end no matter what we are going through. More we are obedient to God more we are going to receive help from God to bear everything coming our way with joy.

Date: 15: 01: 2020.

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