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Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Word of God clearly says in JAMES 2:13- For judgment will be without mercy to anyone who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.

In today's world mercy has become just a small word without any meaning for most of the people including those who are in prayer.

When someone is in trouble how many of us are ready to sacrifice our time and give to them time encourage them to overcome it.

Most of say we do not have time but in reality to watch TV or to go to shopping mall or to watch movies in theater they have plenty of time.

We have to understand mercy towards others is most important quality of God we have to develop in our life.

Most of them instead of stepping out they show fake mercy on social media to attract others. Many people because of the mercy we have shown by building them and encouraging them in prayer they have overcome many problems in their life.

We have to understand that in the time of judgment mercy we have shown to others will win favourable judgment for us.

God desires that every one who has been saved because of His mercy should do the same to save others. God has accepted as we are and in the same way we have to do the same. God has corrected us through His love and in the same way we have to do the same. God has condemned our sin and not us and we should do the same to others.

We first have experience ourself everything from the Lord and after experiencing we have to share the same with others around us.

Date: 07: 01: 2020.

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