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Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 13:4- Let marriage be held in honor by all, and let the marriage bed be kept undefiled; for God will judge fornicators and adulterers. 

Marriage is not the ceremony which will happen again and again in our life but marriage is a Holy sacrament which man and woman receive at the Alter once in a lifetime.

Most of the people take marriage for granted and for silly reasons they break the marriage as they are break friendship with others.

Marriage is not a contract we can break anytime but it is a lifetime covenant between God,  man and woman and that covenant will break only when one life partner dies.

We may think marriage is the bed of roses but in reality it is the cross of each other we have to carry  for a destined period of time till we reach Calvary. Once we reach there then the understanding, love and forgiveness for each other grows strong.

Without prayer and making Jesus center of our marriage it will not last for long. Without both the life partners being in prayer marriage cannot become great example for others around us.

Today because of domestic violence, misunderstanding, ego, alcoholism,wrong advice and interference of others, many marriages are breaking as fast as few days or few months or few years.

Jesus has clearly given us instruction that we cannot divorce our spouse for any reason other than unchastity (adultery). When we divorce our spouse for other reasons and live with other man or woman we are committing adultery.

Those who commit fornication before marriage or adultery after marriage will be judged by God. It is better to get married in front of the Alter and live a Holy life rather than running to satisfy our lust and be destroyed.

Those who commit fornication or adultery live daily in danger of going to hell. We have to confess that sin and give up because none of us know when death will knock at our door.

Date: 28: 01: 2020.

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