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Monday, January 6, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 5:32-- I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Jesus has left His throne in heaven and became man so that He may call all sinners to repent.

The question we need to ask ourself is whether we are repenting for our sins daily or adding sins to our past sins daily.

It is very easy to listen to the voice of devil and commit sin and it is very difficult to listen to the voice of God and give up sins.

Without repenting for our past sins it is next to impossible to live a life of Grace to the fullest. Repentance for our sins requires from us desire to change our daily habits and also stop doing small things which in the long run will cost us much.

Repentance of sins will be very easy for those who love the Lord Jesus Christ and for others repentance looks like a waste of time.

Here in world we see many people saying LIFE IS SHORT AND LET US EAT, DRINK AND ENJOY TO THE FULLEST. Many people who choose this way regret of doing it at the end of their life.

Many have a wrong belief that God is Merciful so whatever we do will not affect. But the truth is God is God of Love, Mercy, Compassion and Grace only till we are alive and after we die God is God of Justice.

Rich or poor, sick or healthy, righteous and unrighteous or others belonging to any category cannot bribe the Lord on the day of judgement. God will judge everyone according to His impartial judgement and whatever judgement He passes we do not have a choice but to accept it.

it is better to live on earth with penitent heart every day instead of regretting later. whatever we have to do to amend our life let us do it today because tomorrow may never come for us if God calls us back today.

Date : 06: 01: 2020.

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