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Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 5: 37- And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. 

In the new testament wine means HOLY SPIRIT. We are all church goers from many years but still we are in different levels of faith. 

Most of us are still in the basic level of faith and we wonder many a times to search reason for it. We cannot find the reason until and unless we will have fellowship with God daily.

Main reason we are not growing mature in faith but struggling with faith is  because we want to grow in faith by keeping our old mindset.

Old mindset is compared to old wine skin. If we continue to pray without renewing our mind according to the Word of God then surely we will be in faith for few months and after that again we will be going through crisis in faith.

When we are praying everyday we will be filled with the Holy Spirit if we do not give up our old mindset then within few months Holy Spirit which is filled inside us will be drained and we will become empty again.

If we give up our old mindset and change our mindset according to the Word of God then surely the infilling of the Holy Spirit will turn into anointing one day.

Let us commit ourselves to the Lord daily and change our old mindset which was at work when we were worldly to new mindset according to the Word of God. Initially for few years it will be difficult but practice makes us perfect one day if we do not give up.

Date: 21: 01: 2020.

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