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Thursday, January 30, 2020


Yet you do not even know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes-- JAMES 4:14.

We as humans make many errors and one of the biggest errors we make is  planning for next 5 years or 10 years without even knowing whether we are going to wake up next day or not.

We have to understand that death can knock any person's door anytime and the moment we die all our plans for the future also will go to the grave with us.

We have to learn to live moment by moment and give thanks to God Almighty all the time for giving us more time to live on this earth.

We have to know that our earthly life is temporary and after our death our life is permanent with God in heaven. We cannot plan too much for temporary life but we have to plan now to live a life of holiness and righteousness to enter permanent life with God.

Some get sick suddenly and die, some die after suffering from sickness for long, some die suddenly in calamities( earthquake, flood, fire, Tsunami, hurricane, epidemics,famine, war etc) some die suddenly in accidents, some die in their sleep and through various reasons. Nobody can plan everything in this world thinking that they are going to stay permanently here.

Let us be happy and thankful for what we have rather than crying for what we don't have because we do not have any idea what tomorrow will bring in our life.

Date: 30: 01: 2020.

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