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Saturday, January 25, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 2 Peter 1:3- His divine power has given us everything needed for life and Godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

God's word says that we are given everything to live a Godly life in this world  but the question remains in us why we have not received it and most of us are struggling with it.

The main reason for not having enough is firstly we are not satisfied with what we have,  secondly our wants are more than our needs and thirdly we are not increased in the knowledge of God.

When we are not satisfied with whatever we have then we try to imitate rich around us and try to become like them and when we pursue this for long instead of becoming rich we will be in serious danger of falling into debts.

When our wants become more than our needs we will be in serious danger of falling into greed. God knows what we need and not what we want.

God's divine power has given us everything to live a Godly life on this earth based on one condition and it doesn't come freely. 

The condition is we have to increase in His knowledge and His knowledge will increase in us by being serious in prayer, by reciting Word of God, by learning the Word of God and by memorizing the Word of God on daily basis. More we acquire knowledge of God more we will come closer to receive His great providence in our life.

God is the only source of all great blessings, favor and goodness. Only when we know Him more we will build our confidence in Him and when we have confidence in Him then surely we will obey Him. When we obey and do everything as He says there will be nothing lacking in our life.

Date: 25: 01: 2020.

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