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Friday, January 3, 2020


Word of God clearly says in ROMANS 6: 14-- For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.

In the old testament people were living under law and because of that they suffered punishment for their sins.

They were defeated in the war, taken captives, killed in war, bitten by serpents, swallowed by earth, rain of sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah, great flood, 2 sons of Aaron and uzzah stuck dead by God and so on.

Today we are living in New testament where we cannot see the same punishment given for our sins because of Jesus and His sacrifice.

Without Jesus we would have also perished like before but thanks be to God for sending His only son into this world to suffer and bear all the punishment for our sins.

Because Jesus loves us He took all our sins, curses, sickness on His Shoulders and carried it to Calvary and our sins was nailed on the cross and He gave His life for us.

Jesus by suffering and dying on the cross He has transferred us from law to Grace. But the question we need to ask ourself is whether we value His great sacrifice and try our level best to give up our sinful life. 

In today's world everything seems to be deceptive and people are in their own world doing things they like and not things that is right according to the Word of God. That's why we see people coming to church by dressing indecently and most of them checking their mobile inside the church and some clicking pictures  and some talking with others or on phone in the middle of the Holy mass and most of them receiving Eucharist without examining themself and some without going for confession for years receive Eucharist every week. This shows that they do not have fear of God and also respect towards God.

Let us not take God's Grace for granted so that one day we may have to pay great price for our errors. Let us cultivate the life of Grace which will help us to grow in faith, love, peace and patience.

Date: 03: 01: 2020.

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