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Sunday, January 12, 2020


Word of God clearly says in  2 Timothy 1:7- for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.

Fear is the biggest enemy of faith and those who are having fears of the world will struggle to grow in faith. 

Many of us recite prayers daily in our houses, some go for daily mass, some go daily to blessed sacrament after doing all this the question we have to ask ourselves is are we growing in the power of God, love of God and also are we living a disciplined life, if not then all this we do is because of our habitual duty.

If we are true disciples of Jesus then we have to imitate our master and be courageous in every situation trusting in Him fully. If we are disciples of the devil then surely we will be acting cowardly and running away from every problems without facing it. Every cowardly act of ours will not help us overcome any situation but make easy situation difficult and difficult situation impossible to overcome.

God has not given us the spirit of cowardice or fear. We have to understand that if God has not given us the spirit of cowardice then surely it is given to us by the devil.

God has given us power and authority through His Word to overcome every affliction of the devil but the question is how many of us use it on daily basis the answer is only few and rest roam to place to place and person to person and say " PRAY FOR ME".

God is pouring on us love through Holy Spirit through prayer. If we do not pray daily from where we can get love of God.

God has given us Spirit of self discipline but the truth is in today's world instead of disciplining ourself we try to discipline others around us. Self Discipline will not come automatically to us but it will come to us as the knowledge of God increases in our life.

We have to examine ourself and see which spirit is ruling our life. If it is God's Spirit then we need to grow in it daily and if it's devil's spirit we need to get rid of it immediately.

Date: 12: 01: 2020.

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