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Saturday, January 4, 2020


Faith is a supernatural gift from God. In order to believe, man needs the interior helps of the Holy Spirit.-- Catechism of the Catholic church 179.

God is great and He has given us gift of faith but the question we need to ask ourself is how many of us have received it and growing in it daily.

Many people think just by warming the benches in church or retreats or prayer meeting they will automatically grow in faith but the truth is to grow in faith it requires our commitment, dedication and desire which will make us climb one step at a time.

There are so many enemies of faith which will drag us down the moment we climb and if we don't identify the enemy at the earliest years will pass by without growing in faith.

Enemies of faith are fear, doubt, worry, hatred, depression and reasoning. If we are having one or all the enemies in our life it is next to impossible to grow in faith.

Without help of Holy Spirit we cannot even think of climbing 1step after being in prayer for years. Holy Spirit is our helper, our teacher, our counselor and our comforter and without help of Holy Spirit our life will be full of emptiness and brokenness. 

Holy Spirit will speak so many things from within but we have to analyze and see have we listened to His voice and if we have listened to His Voice we have analyze and see whether we have obeyed His voice without questioning or thinking twice.

More we hear the voice of Holy Spirit and obey Him we will surely grow in faith and remain in faith till the end of our life. 

Date: 04: 01: 2020.

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