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Monday, January 27, 2020


Word of God clearly says in COLOSSIANS 4:2- Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.

God's word calls each and everyone of us who are living in this world to devote ourself in prayer. Prayer is not the possession of priests, nuns and religious but prayer is the possession of all who are living in this world.

Only through prayer we will be revealed by God our mistakes and prayer will help us to lead a Holy life. We have to understand that without we praying for ourself or others praying for us it is impossible for us to be saved. 

Most of us have habit of praying when we are happy but we have to develop a new habit of praying daily even  if are sad or angry or rebellious or depressed or going through temptations or Unforgiveness or hatredness or any other things. No matter what we are going through without prayer it is impossible to be victorious over everything we are going through.

When we are in prayers we have to be alert all the time or else we may go astray within no time.

Devil always comes to the weakest to the strongest with many temptations especially temptations of impurity and succeeds in tempting many who are weak and also strong in Faith. Sin of impurity is the sin against our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. 
Many anointed people's anointing is destroyed because of falling into sin of impurity.

We have to thank God in the time of our affliction and also in the time of our victory. Without thanking God in all situation we cannot be victorious. 

It is good for us to thank God in all we suffer and be victorious instead of complaining and grumbling and be defeated by the devil.

Date: 27: 01: 2020.

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