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Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 10:12- Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

In this world which is full of corruption we find very few people living in love and rest of them living in hatred.

We see around us so many people  hate one another either because of property or job or money or disagreement or arguments or disputes.

Most of them having all the hatredness inside they come regularly to church seeking solutions to their problems but they are not ready to give up their hatredness. 

We are going through all this situations which is the cause of all hatredness inside us only because God wants to teach us to love everyone no matter what they speak or do to us.

Whenever we have hatredness inside us against any person then when we see that person face to face  from a distance we will be feeling uncomfortable to talk with that person and that is why most of the people avoid them and walk other way.

More hatredness is inside us we will be walking towards hell. Without God's help it is next to impossible to love those whom we hate.

We have to understand that when hatredness increases in us anger increases and when love increases increases in us meekness increases.

We have to understand when we love others as they are, everyone around us will be having   uphill task to make us angry. Loving others also covers all our offenses.

It is better to live in love instead of hatred because meekness will save us from trouble and anger causes us trouble.

Date: 08: 01: 2020.

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