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Saturday, February 1, 2020


By the anxieties and worries of this life Satan tries to dull man's heart and make a dwelling for himself there. SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI.

Today's world is full of miseries because of being full of sin. People are struggling with so many problems like job loss, business loss, sickness, family problems, property issues and many more. When we are in midst of any one or more problems in our life our focus will be on problems rather than solutions. When our focus is on problems it clearly shows that devil has been successful in keeping us busy thinking about our problems and because of thinking more about problems we fall trap to fear, worry, doubt and anxiety.

Worry and anxiety always make our heart dull and because of this instead of growing in faith we grow in fear. Worry and anxiety will not allow us to be joyful and be at peace in midst of our problems but fill our heart with bitterness, anger and sorrows.

We have to understand that God is all powerful and He can deliver us from any situation big or small but because of worry and anxiety we make God small.

Worry and anxiety is brought to us by the devil so that he can keep us busy in it so that devil can easily make his dwelling place in our heart so that he can steal, kill and destroy us. 

Let us give up worry and anxiety and switch on to the Word of God which will surely help us to overcome problems.

Date: 01- 02- 2020.

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