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Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Word of God clearly says in LUKE 5: 32- I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Jesus left His throne and came to this world in human form to call not the righteous but to call all sinners to repentance.

Truth remains the same from the past till date that people were only interested in blessings but not interested to repent and change. That's why from the beginning till date people are busy comiting sin after sins.

We have to understand that adding sin to the past sins everyday will make repentance more difficult that is why instead of adding sins we have to try our best to subtract sins everyday from our life.

Repentance becomes very difficult when our heart and mind is on the world and repentance becomes easy when our heart and mind is on Jesus and His Word.

When we are focusing on the world then surely we will be turning our face to sin and our back to God. When we are focusing on the Word of God we will be turning our face to God and turning our back to sin.

When we repent and live a holy and righteous life then surely rewarded richly by God and also we will be honouring the suffering and death of Jesus for us.

If we are alert we will listen to the call of Jesus and change our life from sin to righteousness. If we are not alert then surely we will become worst day by day.

Date: 18: 02: 2020.

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