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Monday, February 3, 2020


The longer the trial to which God subjects you, the greater the goodness in comforting you during the time of the trial and in the exaltation after the combat-- SAINT PADRE PIO.

In Today's world people are not scared of committing sin because everyone around them commit. In today's world people are scared of repenting because they are worried about what people may think about them.

Because of not repenting for our sins we invite in our life miseries of different kind.

God knows in whose life to allow trials, suffering, sickness. Without going through trials, suffering and sickness we are not going to become humble and strong.

When we are going through trials or suffering or sickness we have to be obedient to God and His Word instead of getting worried or depressed.

We are going to placed in helpless situation  or dangers not to destroy us but to teach us to fight the situation by using the Word of God and be victorious. Once we learn the way to be victorious longer we would be able to bear it.

More longer we are in dangerous and helpless situation more we will be able to walk hand in hand with God and more longer we walk with God more righteousness, faith, courage and holiness will grow in us.

God also comforts us in midst of our trials, suffering and sickness and also after we bear it for the destined period of time He will uplift us and also exalt us.

Date: 03: 02: 2020.

1 comment:

  1. Sins of the past are justified today, mankind don't value sin,and continue to sin oh God have mercy on this sinful generation.
