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Sunday, February 16, 2020


Attribute nothing to yourself either of good you possess or of good you do -- The imitation of Blessed Virgin Mary.

In today's world people want to do good if their name is mentioned on radio or social media or tv. 

After they do good they attribute every good they do to themself without understanding that it has flowed into their hands by source of all goodness that is God Himself. 

When God does good through us to others around us and also when we are blessed by God with all the good we possess all attribute goes to God.

When we give all attribute to God for all the good we possess and also for all the good we do we will be saved by God from falling into mortal sin of pride.

When we give attribute to ourself for all the good we possess and also all the good we do then surely we will develop the sin of pride inside us. When we live with sin of pride for long then surely we are going to fall into destruction.

We have to understand that without getting connected to the source of all goodness we cannot possess any good things or do any good.

 Only when we are connected to the source of all goodness we are able to do good or possess good hence all attribute belongs to God.

Date: 16: 02: 2020.

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